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Snow White Cel.jpg

Snow White, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (1937)

The princess who started it all. Snow White wears these rags when singing to her wishing well, surrounded by mourning doves in the iconic "Someday My Prince Will Come" sequence of the original animated film. 

Snow's costume is a combination of pieces already in my closet (white blouse, black pussy bow tie) and things custom made for the costume. Snow's skirt was initially a prom dress, then it was upcycled into Briar Rose, and then it was tattered and torn to become this skirt. The patches are fabric scraps left from Zatanna, Alfira, Shadowheart's armor, and a skirt that once belonged to my great aunt. The stays were made from fabric in my stash that I custom dyed brown. I did not use a pattern for the stays, preferring to draft one myself for the exact shape I wanted. Her wig was styled by Charlattee. Photos were taken by Count Elizabeth.



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